Dartfish Video Analysis

Dartfish Video Analysis

Taking training, testing and rehabilitation to the next level

Dartfish Video Analysis finds its home at Kick Physiotherapy & Sports Medicine Inc., adding a new dimension in the assessment and treatment of muscle imbalances, athletic injury and movement impairments.  We are proud to be offering Dartfish Video Analysis in the communities of Maple, Woodbridge, Vaughan, Richmond Hill, Oak Ridges, King City, Thornhill, Kleinberg and Toronto.

At Kick Physiotherapy, we use Dartfish Video software and digital video cameras to help make the invisible visible. This cutting-edge visual technology provides your therapist with a qualitative and quantitative analysis of your movement – be it a video clip of your throwing motion, your running style or how you walk.

What should I expect?

During your video analysis session, your therapist will take a complete history of your problem, injury, activities, footwear and training regime. You will receive a biomechanical examination to isolate specific weaknesses or limitations in range of motion. Video analysis will begin with a static view of your posture from all angles. Dynamic imaging will then be recorded while you perform the activity requiring analysis. This activity can include walking, throwing/pitching, running, your golf swing, stair climbing, cycling, bike fit and many more. At Kick PSM, we do not video tape walking or running on the treadmill. We are looking for normal functional movement with appropriate “real” ground reaction forces. For this reason, we will always tape you in the environment in which you perform your sport or activity (i.e. for pitching, you will be pitching from a mound and throwing a real ball).

Do I need video analysis?

There are three critical reasons for video analysis. Firstly, the human eye is unable to process and break down rapid motions such as the pitching motion, a slapshot, and running. A treating clinician is unable to view all joints of the body during one frame of motion. With motion analysis, we are able to stop your movement at crucial transformational zones which will help us truly understand where your body parts are in space, in time. Secondly, video analysis has been proven to be an invaluable educational tool for you – the patient. Visual confirmation of any inefficiencies you may have with your movement or posture will help you understand what you need to do to correct these habits. For example, a golfer who sees his right elbow chicken wing on the downswing will quickly absorb this information and work at correcting this problem during his next round of golf. And thirdly, video analysis provide us with a more permanent, qualitative and quantitative record of a client’s movement pattern. As the client gets better, their movement will improve. With video imaging, you will now be able to compare new movement patterns with the old ones. This visual reinforcement of progression will truly help the client stay motivated and focused on their treatment.

What do you do with my video recording?

After your video analysis, you will be asked to book a follow-up visit to go through your results. Your therapist will analyse, process and record your video onto a recordable media device, such as a CD or DVD. As well, you will receive a printout of the key positions in your movement that may require special attentions. These key positions will have comments discussing your therapist’s findings and measurements.
You will then sit down with your therapist to discuss some treatment strategies to help correct any “glitches” in your movement. If you are playing a sport, your therapist can discuss your motion analysis with your coach or instructor. Furthermore, Kick Physiotherapy & Sports Medicine Inc. can always consult their Athlete Services Division and help connect you with an instructor or coach experienced in movement retraining and skill enhancement.